Chinese professional machine tool manufacturer

Professional production of single and double column CNC vertical lathe series products, horizontal boring and milling machine series products, etc

Company Profile

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Factory environment

Employing Concept

Talents are the soul of enterprise management and development. Over the years, the company has attracted all kinds of talents, gathered essence, and introduced all kinds of outstanding talents. In the process of human resources development, the company has adhered to the concept of innovation, standardized systems, comprehensive services, and unity and cooperation to create an open, fair and just working environment and professional platform for talents. Through the combination of internal promotion and external talent introduction, the company has improved the human resources management mechanism to promote outstanding talents to stand out, and achieve the effective development and reasonable allocation of human resources, with a view to achieving the human resources management purpose of " getting the right person, fitting the right position, appointing according to ability and matching with work".
  • Enterprise Talent Concept

    Talents are the foundation of enterprise development and the primary resource of enterprises. Talent is the most precious and scarce resource for enterprises. The competition of modern enterprises ultimately boils down to the competition of talents. Whoever has talent will occupy the high ground of market competition.

  • Talent strategy

    Putting people first "is the fundamental principle for implementing the company's talent strategy, and" attracting, utilizing, retaining, and developing talents "is the core of the talent strategy.
    1) If you thirst for talent, know how to appoint people well; 2) Putting people first and appointing people based on their abilities; 3) Human nature management, making full use of talents; 4) Career development and mutual growth; 5) Welfare retention, career retention.

Address:Liucheng Industrial Areas, Nan'an City, Fujian Province(362300)

0595-8630 2778

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