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Elite professionals from the national machinery industry visited the successful machine tool inspection and guidance

Time: 2017-10-17    View: 3906    Burst: 

Congratulations on the successful completion of the National Machinery Industry Transformation and Upgrading Promotion Conference!

On the morning of October 12th, 2017

The "National Machinery Industry Transformation and Upgrading Promotion Conference" hosted by the China Machinery Industry Federation was held in Nan'an City, Fujian Province. More than 200 representatives from key enterprises, research institutes, and industry organizations in the national machinery industry attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Chen Bin, Executive Vice President of the China Machinery Industry Federation, and Yu Qingji. Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and member of the Party Group, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. He emphasized the important position of the machinery industry in the national economy, and the transformation and upgrading of the machinery industry has an important influence and driving force on China's manufacturing from large to strong. Wang Ruixiang, President of the China Machinery Industry Federation, gave a keynote speech on the topic of "Reform, Innovation, Quality Improvement and Upgrading, and unremitting efforts to achieve the transformation of the machinery industry from large to strong". He fully affirmed the remarkable achievements made in the transformation and upgrading of the mechanical industry over the past two years. Wang Chunjin, Secretary of the Nan'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, delivered a speech at the meeting.

The main task of this meeting is to summarize work, exchange experiences, analyze the situation, clarify tasks, deepen transformation and upgrading, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the machinery industry from large to strong, around the implementation of "Made in China 2025", the State Council's "Guiding Opinions on Adjusting the Structure of the Machinery Industry to Promote Transformation and Increase Benefits", and the deployment requirements of the industry's "13th Five Year Plan" development outline.

On the afternoon of October 12th, the National Machinery Industry Transformation and Upgrading Promotion Conference held an experience exchange conference. Eight key enterprises, including XCMG Group, Weichai Group, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Jinan Second Machinery, Great Wall Motors, Hangyang Group, Sharing Group, and Chint Group, introduced their experiences at the conference, allowing more than 200 delegates to experience the excellent achievements of China's key enterprises and share rare successful experiences in enterprise transformation and upgrading.

On the morning of October 13th, representatives attending the meeting were divided into groups to discuss the following topics: focusing on implementing the requirements of the national strategy for building a strong country and the spirit of the speeches and conference reports by leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, proposing key tasks for the next step of transformation and upgrading, and making suggestions for the work of China Machinery United. Chen Bin, Executive Vice President, will give a report on the economic operation of the industry, and Yu Qingji, Executive Vice President, will give a summary of the meeting.

On the afternoon of October 13th, our company, as one of the co organizers, welcomed representatives of various elites to visit and guide the conference. Our Chairman Zhou Sijin accompanied the inspection and briefly introduced our current production scale, product transformation and upgrading, as well as future development trends. He pointed out that the country's "Made in China 2025", "Guiding Opinions on Restructuring the Machinery Industry to Promote Transformation and Increase Benefits", "Internet plus Integrated Development Action Plan" and other initiatives are good opportunities for the entire physical industry.

During the conference, our chairman Zhou Sijin was invited for an interview with Nan'an Business News.

He pointed out that:

This meeting can be held in Nan'an to showcase Nan'an's mechanical equipment to the national mechanical industry, leave a good evaluation of Nan'an's mechanical industry, and enhance Nan'an's visibility. This is very hard won. Although Nan'an is a county-level city, its industrial output value in the field of mechanical equipment manufacturing has exceeded 33 billion yuan so far, making it one of the more developed county-level cities in China in terms of mechanical equipment. This transformation and upgrading promotion meeting is aimed at guiding the future development direction of the national machinery industry, positioning it as the future direction of the national machinery industry. It has attracted many large enterprises from all over the country to participate. Leaders at all levels in Fujian Province, as well as the Nan'an Municipal Party Committee and Government, attach great importance to this meeting, so it is very meaningful.

Address:Liucheng Industrial Areas, Nan'an City, Fujian Province(362300)

0595-8630 2778

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