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Xu Niansha, President of China Machinery Industry Federation, and his delegation visited our company for research and guidance

Time: 2024-05-13    View: 148    Burst: 

On May 10th, Xu Niansha, President of the China Machinery Industry Federation, and his delegation visited our company for research and guidance. Conduct on-site inspections of our company's research and development, design, and manufacturing of CNC machine tools and mechanical processing, with a focus on understanding the performance and operation of CNC vertical lathes, horizontal boring and milling machines, and other series of products, and hold symposiums. Leaders Yi Huiquan and Huang Shengui from Nan'an City, as well as leaders from relevant departments such as the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Machinery Industry Federation, the Quanzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the Nan'an Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, accompanied the research.

The research team went deep into the enterprise workshop to gain a detailed understanding of our company's ultra large imported equipment for processing parts and vertical machine tool production. At this symposium, our Chairman Zhou Sijin gave a detailed introduction to the specific measures taken by the company in recent years in terms of transformation and upgrading, technological innovation, and technological transformation and research and development. Subsequently, the attending comrades engaged in interactive communication. The relevant leaders and comrades from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology expressed sincere gratitude to the leaders of the China Machinery Industry Federation for their visit, care, and guidance. They clearly stated that they will closely follow the opinions and suggestions given by the research group, focus on accelerating the "new" progress in the field of construction machinery, fully pursue breakthroughs in "quality", and strive to improve the level of manufacturing industry. At the same time, we will actively implement policies and requirements related to "large-scale equipment updates" and persistently improve the quality and efficiency of industrial manufacturing. Respond to this concern and guidance with practical actions, strive to contribute to the development of the industry, and jointly promote the continuous progress of the industrial sector.

After a detailed and in-depth understanding of our company's operational status, President Xu Niansha fully affirmed the achievements and honors achieved by the enterprise. The proposal put forward by the enterprise to increase research and development efforts in basic components and improve the supply of upstream and downstream industrial chains has been given a highly feasible response. At the same time, he earnestly urged industry regulatory authorities and enterprises to promote production work in an orderly manner, and encouraged enterprises to closely keep up with the pace of the times, continue to closely monitor national and industry policies related to new quality productivity, actively respond to the innovative development requirements of new quality productivity, and lead enterprises to "successfully" step onto the world stage!

Xu Niansha, President of China Machinery Industry Federation

Address:Liucheng Industrial Areas, Nan'an City, Fujian Province(362300)

0595-8630 2778

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