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Introduction to the characteristics and safety of CNC vertical lathes

Time: 2021-01-18    View: 2663    Burst: 

CNC vertical lathe is a type of vertical lathe, so while understanding this lathe, it is also necessary to have some knowledge of CNC vertical lathe in order to fully understand this product. Now, let's learn some detailed knowledge about it, mainly in terms of its characteristics and safety operation procedures. The characteristics of CNC vertical lathes mainly include the following:

(1) Good accuracy and multiple functions;

(2) Capable of achieving infinite speed regulation;

(3) Reasonable structure and good economy.

The safety operation regulations for CNC vertical lathes mainly include the following contents:

(1) The machine tool cannot be started without permission;

(2) Before operating, operators should wear labor protection equipment to ensure their own safety;

(3) Before using the lathe, it is necessary to check the power connection lines, control lines, etc., and avoid undervoltage or phase loss;

(4) Inspect workpieces, cutting tools, etc. to confirm whether they can be safely operated;

(5) The internal settings of the lathe cannot be changed arbitrarily to avoid problems;

(6) Vertical lathes cannot be left unattended during operation. If the program makes mistakes or runs smoothly, it should be shut down immediately and then handled by professional staff;

(7) Before starting the lathe, the protective cover should be closed first;

(8) No objects should be placed on the lathe, and wet hands should not be used to touch switches and buttons to avoid electric shock;

(9) Once the lathe malfunctions, the power supply should be immediately cut off, and it is strictly prohibited for the machine to work with problems to avoid damaging the machine;

(10) The CNC vertical lathe and working environment should be kept clean and tidy. After the work is completed, the site should be cleaned, the machine should be cleaned, and homework should be recorded.

Address:Liucheng Industrial Areas, Nan'an City, Fujian Province(362300)

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